The world’s media made much of
the fact that when Pope Francis boarded the plane to Brazil and World Youth
Day, he carried his own briefcase. It contained a well-read, somewhat dog-eared
copy of a life of St Therese of Lisieux, to whom he has long had a special
The people of Buenos Aires are
very familiar with the ‘special relationship’ between their former Cardinal
Bergoglio and the 24 year-old Carmelite nun who died on 30 September 1897. Modelling
his life on her ‘Little Way’, he also hung a picture of St Therese in his
private apartment. During his impromptu press conference on the return flight
to Rome, the Pope explained: “When I have a problem, I entrust it to her. I don’t ask her to resolve it, but to take it
into her hands and help me; almost always, I receive a rose as a sign.” He then
described an occasion when, having made an important decision about a difficult
question, he consigned the results to the care of St Therese. Not long afterwards, an unknown woman arrived
at the cathedral and presented him with three white roses, something he interpreted
as a sign that the saint was ‘on the job’.
As the Archbishop of Buenos
Aires, Cardinal Bergoglio’s visits to Rome always included a daily early
morning visit to the Franciscan church close to the Vatican. There, before the
statue of St Therese, he would pray and place his day under her guidance. “Do
not be afraid to depend solely on the tenderness of God as St Therese of
Lisieux did, who, for this reason, is a beloved daughter of the Blessed Mother
and a great missionary saint”, he recently declared.
Therese entered the Lisieux
Carmel in 1888, at the age of 15. When she died nine years later, her
association with the missions was such that, in 1926, Pope Pius XI declared her
to be the Patroness of the Indigenous Clergy and of the Society of St Peter the
Apostle (SPA). The following year, he made her Patroness of the Missions, “equal
to St. Francis Xavier, with all the rights and privileges that went with this
When Therese was 9 years old, she
joined the Holy Childhood (Mission Together) on 12 January 1882. How much of her
concern for the Church’s missions and missionaries arose from her membership of
the Society which, today, still cherishes its motto of ‘children helping
children’? How was it that a young nun, who, in one sense, achieved nothing
remarkable, could also represent a milestone in the history of the Church?
Pope Francis suggested an answer:
“St Therese writes, ‘Charity gave me the key to my vocation. I understood that
if the Church had a body, composed of different members, it wouldn't lack the
most necessary, the most noble of all of them. I understood that the Church had
a heart and that heart was beating with love.’"
Love is vital in today’s secular
and frequently violent society: “Love is getting closer to others, listening to
others, discovering the presence of God in others, to have sympathy, that is,
to have sincere feelings towards others. Therese did this her entire life
without drawing attention [to herself]. For this reason, she could exclaim, ‘Jesus,
my love! At the end I have found my vocation. My vocation is love.’"

It is that consciousness of his
‘littleness’ before God which gives the Jesuit Pope the freedom to be himself before
the world. He does not put on an act when he kisses babies, embraces the
disabled, cracks a joke or speaks of God in words which are so simple and
heartfelt that nobody doubts his sincerity. With Pope Francis, ‘what you see is
what you get’. His authenticity before the world merely expresses his openness,
simplicity and honesty before God.
“Simple souls do not need to use
complicated ways in life: they show themselves as they are, and this is their
charm and their virtue. The simple soul has one concern: to please God. God is
the priority in the life of the simple soul… The simple soul is like a child in
the hands of God” – and therein lies the crux of the matter. Pope Francis, in
search of an ever simpler and humbler relationship with God is also simple and
humble in his relationship with others. He cannot be complicated and entangled
in bureaucratic clutter because it would merely distract him from all that is
truly important, namely the overwhelming drive to ‘find God in all things’.
Within the space of a few months,
the Jesuit who is inspired by St Ignatius Loyola, St Francis of Assisi and St
Therese of Lisieux, has truly shown himself to be the ‘man for others’ which is
the goal of every Jesuit. In their own unique ways, the three saints were all missionaries
and so Pope Francis is also called to be ‘the Pope of mission’. “People today
certainly need words, but most of all they need us to bear witness to the mercy
and tenderness of the Lord, which warms the heart, rekindles hope, and attracts
people towards the good.”
Yet the vocation to be missionary
in outlook and lifestyle is not pursued in isolation. At his WYD Mass for the
young people assembled on Copacabana Beach, the Pope proclaimed the message he
had already taught through his actions. "Evangelizing means bearing
personal witness to the love of God: it is overcoming our selfishness. It is
serving by bending down to wash the feet of our brethren, as Jesus did."
As he told a gathering of
seminarians and religious novices: "Jesus is not an isolated missionary,
does not want to fulfil his mission alone... he immediately forms a community
of disciples, which is a missionary community. The purpose is not to socialize,
to spend time together. No, the purpose is to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and
this is urgent! There is no time to waste in small talk, no need to wait for
the consent of all – there is need only of going out and proclaiming."
Francis beautifully expressed his life and mission in saying, “We have in our
hands a way to become humble, to show ourselves needful before God and put our
needs in his hands - just like Therese - and this makes us better brothers [and
sisters] towards others.”
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